Spare parts ECM Mechanika/Technika III

On this page you will find parts specifically for the ECM Mechanika/Technika III. This first series of ECM Heidelberg was made by Bezzera and therefore almost all parts are the same as Bezzera. Made between 2005 - 2008.

All parts for the E61 group can be found on this page, the filters on this page and for the filter holder on this page. 

  • O-ring steam pipe - steam tap universal
    O-ring steam pipe - steam tap universal

    OR between the nut of the knee joint of the steam/water pipe and the steam tap. There is also a teflon gasket available.

    16 X 2 MM

    € 0,75
  • Spring filterholder 58mm
    Spring filterholder 58mm

    For all machines with a 58mm filter (inner diameter = tamper diameter)

    Replace this spring when your filters fall out the portafilter.

    For E61 machines, Bezzera BZ series, QuickMill, Rancilio, Gaggia, Vibiemme, Marzocco, Cimbali…

    € 0,75
  • O-ring steampipe universal
    O-ring steampipe universal

    This ring is located at the bottom of the nut of the connection of the steam tap and fits in with many models of espresso machines. If the steam or water pipe moves stiffly, or if it leaks at the knee joint, replace this ring. We…

    € 0,95
  • Pump bend
    Pump bend

    Angled coupling for an Ulka pump or output of a solenoid valve or OPV.

    Lelit MC017

    QuickMill GO3000PG

    € 0,95
  • O-ring spindle steam tap ECM III
    O-ring spindle steam tap ECM III

    For ECM Technika/Mechanika III

    1 piece

    7,59 x 2,62

    € 1,25
  • Rubber steampipe 10mm
    Rubber steampipe 10mm

    Prevent burnt fingers with this rubber cover for the steam pipe. For steam pipe with an outer diameter of 10 mm, tip for assembly: use a little bit of washing-up liquid so that the cover easily goes over the thickening of the…

    € 1,25
  • O-ring water tank ECM
    O-ring water tank ECM

    O-ring for the water tank connection of ECM Mechanika/Technika III and IV machines.

    9,92X2,62MM OR112


    € 1,50
  • Pump suport Ulka
    Pump suport Ulka
    € 1,50
  • Closing gasket OPV Bezzera (new model)
    Closing gasket OPV Bezzera (new model)

    Closing gasket for adjustable overpressure valve Bezzera.

    11 x 3 mm

    BE 5493042

    For Bezzera E61 machines > 30-10-2012

    For Bezzera BZseries machines > 19-03-2013

    € 1,75
  • Spring/cap steamtap universal
  • Silicon pipe 4x7mm 1m (standard)
    Silicon pipe 4x7mm 1m (standard)

    If you choose several meters, we will deliver that as in 1 piece. For example, 3x1 meter is supplied as a piece of 3 meter

    € 2,95
  • Closing gasket steam tap ECM 3
    Closing gasket steam tap ECM 3

    For Mechanika/Technika 3

    8 x 4 mm

    € 3,75
  • Pump self-priming bypass
    Pump self-priming bypass

    Used in many espresso machines to drain off the air. Self-priming in counter pressure conditions.

    Also available in a higher quality brass version.

    Assemble with Loxeal or PTFE Tape or with an o-ring.

    1/8m x 1/8f

    € 4,95
  • Micro switch E61 handle / water tank
  • Lamp green Bezzera/ECM
    Lamp green Bezzera/ECM

    7633622 BEZZERA


    € 6,75
  • Lamp orange Bezzera/ECM
    Lamp orange Bezzera/ECM

    7633621 BEZZERA


    € 6,75
  • Protector lever switch Bezzera
    Protector lever switch Bezzera

    Protector for lever switch,

    BZ 7372507

    ECM B7372507

    € 6,75
  • Group gasket E61 8,5mm Silicone
    Group gasket E61 8,5mm Silicone

    Silicone group gasket, longer lasting material than the standard gasket.

    For the brewing group of very many different machines: Including everything with an E61 brew group: ECM, Faema, Rocket, Vibiemme, Wega, Bezerra, Kees van…

    € 6,95
  • Thermostat 135 degrees  RESETABLE
    Thermostat 135 degrees RESETABLE

    M4 thread, manual resettable.

    ECM & Rocket C199901550

    ECM Heidelberg B7434009

    BZ 7434009

    € 6,95
  • Empty valve 1/4 high
    Empty valve 1/4 high

    1/4 bsp (13,16mm) suitable for all espressomachines

    € 7,95
  • Pipe manometer 1/8F x 1/8F 120 cm
    Pipe manometer 1/8F x 1/8F 120 cm

    Pipe for manometers. 120cm, extra long so that it better dampens the vibration of the pump. Adaptable to any situation. (additional roll-up or un-roll)

    2x 1/8F

    € 7,95
  • Level probe boiler 120mm
    Level probe boiler 120mm

    The boiler level probe is an essential part for a heat exchanger machine, when the insulation it is no longer good there is a risk that the heating element will come above the water level in the boiler. The probe must also be…

    € 9,95
  • Spindle tap ECM III
    Spindle tap ECM III

    Mechanika/Technika 3 & Bezzera

    overall length 65 mm
    square pin 7x7 mmBEZZERA 5960502.02CM

    € 13,45
  • Lever switch 4 poles 15 A
    Lever switch 4 poles 15 A

    4 poles 15 amp

    For Vibiemme, Isomac, Ascaso, QuickMill 3000, Francis Francis, BFC Junior, Bezzera and many others

    € 13,75
  • Safety valve E61 boiler 1/2
  • Pressure switch 16 ampère 1/4
    Pressure switch 16 ampère 1/4

    Thread 1/4.

    PRESSURE SWITCH XP110 0,5-1,5 BAR G1/4

    Adjust. press. range 0,5-1,5 BAR, pre-adjust. 1 Bar. 125°C, G1/4, 16A 250VAC.

    There is also a more solid alternative

    € 19,95
  • Manometer boiler 1/8m 39mm (Bezzera)
  • Manometer Pump 1/8m 39mm (Bezzera)
  • Manometer E61 brew group White
    Manometer E61 brew group White

    Upgrade your E61 brew group with this beautifull manometer. You can use the m6 tread on the front of you group, use tape of loxeal to avoid leaking. Ideal for espresso machines without a pump pressure manometer.



    € 21,95
  • Collector watertank ECM / Bezzera
    Collector watertank ECM / Bezzera

    Bezzera E61 models and ECM Mechanika/Technika III

    5225228 and 7826206

    € 22,95
  • Solenoid valve 2 way OLAB
    Solenoid valve 2 way OLAB

    2x 1/8 bsp F


    € 23,95
  • Manometer E61 brew group Black
    Manometer E61 brew group Black

    Upgrade your E61 brew group with this beautifull manometer. You can use the m6 tread on the front of you group, use tape of loxeal to avoid leaking. Ideal for espresso machines without a pump pressure manometer.



    € 24,95
  • Steam pipe Bezzera
    Steam pipe Bezzera

    Bezzera BZ07, BZ09, BZ10, BZ13, BZ16,BZ40, GIULIA, MAGICA, MITICA, STREGA, UNICA

    € 24,95
  • Pipe boiler-water tap Bezzera/ECMIII
    Pipe boiler-water tap Bezzera/ECMIII

    Bezzera E61 or ECM Mechanika/Technika III espressomachine.


    € 26,95
  • Connection watertank Bezzera / ECM
  • Naked filterholder E61
    Naked filterholder E61

    Get the best shots from your espresso machine with this naked filterholder (open filter holder) Use this in combination with the standard supplied 21 gram filter and see how the crema comes out the filter. In addition, the naked…

    € 29,95
  • -14%

    Pump Ulka EX5 230volt
    Pump Ulka EX5 230volt
    € 34,95 € 29,95
  • Relay Bezzera
    Relay Bezzera
    € 37,95
  • Heating element 32mm 1250 watt with gasket
    Heating element 32mm 1250 watt with gasket

    Thread: 32 x 1,5 mm
    Length: 160 mm
    220/240 volt

    1250/1450 watt

    For Bezzera E61 and BZ machines and ECM Technika/Mechanika 3

    Bezzera code 5722240TP

    € 39,50
  • Adjustable over pressure valve (OPV) Bezzera & ECMIII
    Adjustable over pressure valve (OPV) Bezzera & ECMIII

    OPV and non return valve included, for Bezzera and ECM 3rd generation


    € 47,95
  • Water tank Bezzera / ECM
    Water tank Bezzera / ECM
    € 49,95
  • -27%

    Overhaul kit E61 brew group (complete)
    Overhaul kit E61 brew group (complete)

    Kit for complete overhaul E61 brew group:

    ∙ Shower standard, Shower IMS IM200 or Shower IMS Matrix
    ∙ Supplement 0,5mm
    ∙ Group gasket 8mm standard or group gasket 8,5mm silicone
    ∙ Ring 1
    ∙ Ring 2 3x
    ∙ Ring 3
    ∙ O-ring…

    € 89,95 € 65,95
  • Heat Exchanger Bezzera Magica/Mitica
    Heat Exchanger Bezzera Magica/Mitica

    For Bezzera Magica, Mitica, Strega and other E61 models. Also suitable for ECM machines made by Bezzera


    connection ø 1 "M
    3 connections ø 1/8 "F
    immersion depth 147 mm
    overall length 158 mm
    brass body ø 28 mm

    € 89,95
  • Controlbox Gicar RL30/4ESS/F
    Controlbox Gicar RL30/4ESS/F


    BZ 7661034.01



    ECM Technika/Mechanika 3 and Bezzera machines

    € 92,50
  • Boiler Bezzera Magica/Mitica
    Boiler Bezzera Magica/Mitica

    Bezzera Magica, Mitica, Strega and other Bezzera E61 machines


    € 325,00
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