Spare parts QuickMill 3010/3012/3014

  • Screw group QuickMill
    Screw group QuickMill

    All QuickMill models, ESE and ground coffee M5x10


    € 0,50
  • Screw mounting bracket steamtap QuickMill
    Screw mounting bracket steamtap QuickMill

    QuickMill M5x8


    € 0,50
  • Screw brew head QuickMill
    Screw brew head QuickMill

    All QuickMill models, both ESE and ground coffee M4x8 stainless steel to fix the brew head to the housing.


    € 0,75
  • Screw cover QuickMill 3000
    Screw cover QuickMill 3000

    Screw for fixing the lid/heating plate of the QuickMill 3000 series.

    2,9 x 13 mm RVS


    € 0,75
  • Sleeve pressure pipe QuickMill
    Sleeve pressure pipe QuickMill

    Sleeve to secure the pressure hose in the pump diaphragm of QuickMill models. Self-clamping, so slide over the new pipe and then tighten. This bush is included with the QuickMills with an old model solenoid valve and also with the…

    € 0,75
  • Clip for screw QuickMill 3000
    Clip for screw QuickMill 3000

    Clamp which you slide over the housing and through which the screw of the lid/heating plate of the QuickMill 3000 series passes.


    € 0,95
  • Pump bend
    Pump bend

    Angled coupling for an Ulka pump or output of a solenoid valve or OPV.

    Lelit MC017

    QuickMill GO3000PG

    € 0,95
  • Screw heating element QuickMill
    Screw heating element QuickMill



    € 0,95
  • Fuse 10 ampere 230 volt
  • Pipe tank / pump QuickMill / Ascaso
  • Lamp cap small green
    Lamp cap small green
    € 1,50
  • Lamp cap small orange
    Lamp cap small orange


    € 1,50
  • Lubricant for filter holder (Portion)
    Lubricant for filter holder (Portion)

    With this special Molicote paste you lubricate your filter holder and group. Put the past under the ears of the filter holder and then you turn the filter holder into the brew group so that paste also comes in the tread. The paste…

    € 1,50
  • Nut for sleeve pipe QuickMill
    Nut for sleeve pipe QuickMill

    1/8 BSP


    € 1,50
  • Pump suport Ulka
    Pump suport Ulka
    € 1,50
  • Feet QuickMill 3000 series
    Feet QuickMill 3000 series

    Foot for the modern 3000 series machine where the foot is no longer glued, but is secured with a bolt/nut.

    d.25mm h.11 mm

    QuickMill GO03035PF

    - Quick Mill Orione (3000 and 3002) - Quick Mill Cassiopeia (3004) - Quick Mill…

    € 1,95
  • Spring water block QuickMill ESE pods
    Spring water block QuickMill ESE pods

    Spring for the Quikmill espresso machines for ESE servings

    Length 15mm


    € 1,95
  • Water block QuickMill
    Water block QuickMill

    Waterstop for all QuickMill models. The water stop ensures that no coffee can flow back into the thermoblock, so it is important that this part is present in your machine.


    € 1,95
  • Filter sunction hose
    Filter sunction hose

    Prevents dirt in the machine, no limescale filtration. Suitable for hose 4x7 and 5x8

    QuickMill PL0950FI

    Lelit MC042

    € 2,75
  • Valve Steam tap Quick Mill
    Valve Steam tap Quick Mill

    GO03000VA EPDM

    € 2,75
  • O-ring pressure hose / brew group QuickMill (set of 2)
    O-ring pressure hose / brew group QuickMill (set of 2)

    Set of o-rings for sealing the pressure hose in the brew group for the QuickMill 800, 2000 and 3000 series. Viton suitable for steam temperatures. (Note when replacing: there are 2 in the group)

    OR103V 2x

    Also for the pressure…

    € 2,95
  • Silicon pipe 4x7mm 1m (standard)
    Silicon pipe 4x7mm 1m (standard)

    If you choose several meters, we will deliver that as in 1 piece. For example, 3x1 meter is supplied as a piece of 3 meter

    € 2,95
  • Steam pipe grip QuickMill
    Steam pipe grip QuickMill

    With this handle you can turn the steam pipe in and out without burning your fingers!

    € 2,95
  • Venturi steam pipe QuickMill
    Venturi steam pipe QuickMill


    € 3,50
  • Filter suction hose
    Filter suction hose

    Filter for the suction hose of the QuickMill 3000 series or for the ECM and Rocket Giotto / Cellini and many other types 6mm, suitable for the 4x7mm and 5x9mm silicone hoses Prevents dirt in the machine, no lime filtration.

    € 3,95
  • Safety thermostat 167 degrees
    Safety thermostat 167 degrees

    Includes 2 sockets for mounting the thermostat to the wiring.


    We also have any new insulation available.

    € 3,95
  • Clamp bracket pressure hose Quickmill
    Clamp bracket pressure hose Quickmill

    Clamp bracket to attach the pressure hose to the brew head for all models, with the exception of E61 and fully automatic machines.


    € 4,95
  • Lamp QuickMill
    Lamp QuickMill




    For the older versions of the 800 and 3000 series with a larger bulb (hole diameter 10mm)

    € 4,95
  • Lamp small green
    Lamp small green


    € 4,95
  • Lamp small orange
    Lamp small orange


    € 4,95
  • Piston ring ESE QuickMill
    Piston ring ESE QuickMill

    For ESE Servings (Pads/ Servings/ Cialde)

    QuickMill 810, 3004 and 3012
    Ascaso Dream ESE
    OR147V +/- 43 x 3,5 mm

    € 4,95
  • Purifier standard
    Purifier standard

    The ideal way to reduce limescale in your machine. Suitable for all types of espresso machines with a hose in the water tank.

    This purifier, is filled with resin granules and works according to ion exchange.

    The standard…

    € 5,95
  • Shower QuickMill ESE
    Shower QuickMill ESE


    For QuickMill 810, 3010, 3012 and 3014

    € 5,95
  • Steam tip QuickMill
    Steam tip QuickMill


    € 5,95
  • Foots espressomachine (set of 4)
    Foots espressomachine (set of 4)

    Set of 4 suitable for almost all espresso machines. We recommend attaching them with super glue or super glue for optimal attachment.

    h.10mmQuickMill GO03000PFN

    € 6,50
  • Overhaul kit steam pipe QuickMill
    Overhaul kit steam pipe QuickMill


    2x O-ring spindle
    2x O-ring steam pipeFor series steam pipe with 1 O-ring in the spindle and also for series that have 2 O-rings in the spindle.

    The kit is without the valve, in most cases is it not necessary to…

    € 6,75
  • Handle filter holder m10
    Handle filter holder m10

    10mm thread, nice shiny finish. Suitable for many brands of espresso machine, such as QM ESE, Vibiemme, Lelit, Franis Francis and others.

    We recommend that you always check the thread size of your handle before ordering.

    € 6,95
  • Pressure pipe Quickmill (steam tap - brew head)
    Pressure pipe Quickmill (steam tap - brew head)

    Hose between brew group and steam tap 800, 2800 and 3000 series.

    Note: do not forget to order the 2 o-rings, these must be replaced in the brew groep!

    L 140mm

    TU0820RSR / TU03035RSDE

    € 7,75
  • Mounting bracket
    Mounting bracket

    Bracket to attach the steam pipe to the brew head of all new models with Quickmill group.

    Height 58mm, could be lower for olders models 800 series.


    € 7,95
  • Switch 2 poles (Push)
    Switch 2 poles (Push)

    For the old 3000 series (brushed stainless steel) for activating the grinder (3035) or for activating the pump (3002 Dosamatic)

    With the QuickMill 5000, this switch is for 1 and 2 cups of coffee and hot water.

    This Push (or…

    € 7,95
  • Switch 4 poles (on/off)
    Switch 4 poles (on/off)

    Older 3000 series On/off, steam or coffee.

    QuickMill 5000 On/off or steam

    Quickmill IN05000

    Mounting hole 35x12mm

    € 7,95
  • Thermostat 100 degrees
    Thermostat 100 degrees


    € 7,95
  • Sealing lid Quickmill 3000 series
    Sealing lid Quickmill 3000 series

    Rubber sealing that goes around the edge of the QuickMill 3000 series lid/hot plate. Length is for a 3035, but also suitable for the 3000/3002/3004


    € 8,50
  • Group thread QuickMill 810 ESE
    Group thread QuickMill 810 ESE


    810, 3010, 3012 and 3014.

    € 8,95
  • Filter ESE Pods QuickMill / Ascaso
    Filter ESE Pods QuickMill / Ascaso

    #1 Standard (Espresso small)
    #2 (Espresso large)
    For modern QuickMill filterholder, when you have an older filterholder you can use the filters for La Piccola.

    € 9,95
  • Potentiometer QuickMill 5000
    Potentiometer QuickMill 5000

    Without ring and nut



    € 9,95
  • Drip tray QuickMill 3000
    Drip tray QuickMill 3000


    € 10,95
  • Steam pipe replacement
    Steam pipe replacement

    Defective steam tap, but you never use it? With this coupling you can omit the steam tap, especially for the 800 series. When discontinuing the 3000 series, you must also order a new pressure hose, as the already mounted hose is…

    € 11,95
  • Thermostat QuickMill 110 degrees
    Thermostat QuickMill 110 degrees

    QM. 110 degrees for modern models (>-`04)


    € 12,95
  • Thermostat steam QuickMill
    Thermostat steam QuickMill

    QM 135 degrees


    € 12,95
  • Lever switch 4 poles 15 A
    Lever switch 4 poles 15 A

    4 poles 15 amp

    For Vibiemme, Isomac, Ascaso, QuickMill 3000, Francis Francis, BFC Junior, Bezzera and many others

    € 13,75
  • Knob QuickMill dosing
    Knob QuickMill dosing

    Knon for the timer of the QM3000 series. For the 3002 and 3012 dosamatic as well as the 2835, 3035 and 835 Retro. Includes screw to secure the knob.


    € 15,50
  • Solenoid ODE / OLAB / BERGAMO / SIRAI
    Solenoid ODE / OLAB / BERGAMO / SIRAI

    22x29x28mm diameter 10mm

    5VA/5W 230V


    ODE LBA 5W
    OLAB 6000 and 9000 series

    € 17,50
  • Flowmeter Digmesa
    Flowmeter Digmesa

    Flowmeter for Quick Mill model: 3002, 3012, Ev0 modellen 3130, 3135, 3230, 3245

    Ascaso model: Dream PID and Steel PID (Artikelnummer Flowmeter Ascaso: V4183)

    € 19,95
  • Pod meter QuickMill Dosamatic
    Pod meter QuickMill Dosamatic

    Podmeter for the QM3000 series. For both the 3002 and 3012 dosamatic and the 0835/2835/3035 mill dosing. With wiring and plug so that it can be plugged into the printed circuit board.

    PCPOT / PC3002

    € 19,95
  • Pulsor pump (QuickMill)
    Pulsor pump (QuickMill)

    Expansion valve / membrane for the pump of the QuickMill, but can also be used for other machines. The advantage of the membrane is that it gives some back pressure to the pump, making it a bit quieter. Connection to pump 1/8bsp…

    € 19,95
  • Lever switch QuickMill Pulse
    Lever switch QuickMill Pulse

    Pulse switch for the QM3000 series. For both the 3002 and 3012 dosamatic coffee activation and the 3035 grinder activation. Also for the 835 Retro .


    € 20,95
  • Solenoid Quickmill old type
    Solenoid Quickmill old type

    30x39,5x38mm diameter 13,4mm and 10mm

    BDV08230AY ODE

    € 21,50
  • Group holder QuickMill ESE
    Group holder QuickMill ESE


    € 23,95
  • -17%

    Overhaul kit QuickMill ESE servings
    Overhaul kit QuickMill ESE servings

    Complete overhaul kit for your QuickMill 810, 3010, 3012 and 3014:

    Including: (original parts)

    ∙ Shower ESE
    ∙ Group thread ESE
    ∙ Water block
    ∙ Spring water block
    ∙ Piston ring ESE 2x!

    € 29,75 € 24,75
  • Solenoid valve 3 way small
    Solenoid valve 3 way small

    Standard 3 way valve for home espresso machines.

    2x connection 1/8 F and 1x 7mm hose 220volt

    Tip for mounting: connection no. 1 is always on the thermoblock connection.

    Replaces valves from:

    OLAB 6000 and 9000…

    € 24,95
  • -17%

    Water tank Quickmill
    Water tank Quickmill

    800, 2000, 3000 and 4000 serie



    Not for old model 2820 and 2835

    € 29,95 € 24,95
  • Steampipe QuickMill 3000 series
    Steampipe QuickMill 3000 series

    If the tab on the top of the steam pipe is worn, you can replace this pipe. The model is from the 3000 series. We recommend fitting the pipe with heat-resistant grease and do not forget to replace the orings of the…

    € 26,95
  • -14%

    Pump Ulka EX4 230volt
    Pump Ulka EX4 230volt
    € 34,95 € 29,95
  • -14%

    Pump Ulka EX5 230volt
    Pump Ulka EX5 230volt
    € 34,95 € 29,95
  • Solenoid valve 3 way complete QuickMill
  • Manometer QuickMill 3000 series
    Manometer QuickMill 3000 series


    € 39,95
  • Pulsator Steam QuickMill
    Pulsator Steam QuickMill


    € 39,95
  • Filterholder QuickMill ESE
    Filterholder QuickMill ESE


    For QuickMill 810, 3010, 3012 and 3014

    € 44,95
  • Brew head QuickMill ESE Pods (810, 3012, 3012)
    Brew head QuickMill ESE Pods (810, 3012, 3012)

    For QuickMill ESE: 810, 3010, 3012 and 3014


    € 59,95
  • Steam pipe QuickMill Upgrade INOX
    Steam pipe QuickMill Upgrade INOX

    Version of the EVO70 series with stainless steel pipe and 1 hole steam tip. The pipe is double-walled so that it does not get so hot and the milk does not burn the pipe.

    This upgrade can be mounted in your 2800 or 3000 series…

    € 69,95
  • Steam pipe QuickMill 3000 series
    Steam pipe QuickMill 3000 series


    € 79,95
  • Electronic box QuickMill 3002 Dosmatic
  • Heating element QuickMill 800/2000/3000 serie
    Heating element QuickMill 800/2000/3000 serie

    220 volt


    - Quick Mill Stretta (0820)
    - Quick Mill Retro (0835)
    - Quick Mill Superiore Steel (2820)
    - Quick Mill Superiore Profi (2835)
    - Quick Mill Orione (3000 en 3002)
    - Quick Mill Cassiopeia (3004)
    - Quick Mill…

    € 139,95
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